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Two great swimming with dolphins programs to check out


Two great swimming with dolphins programs to check out.

Swimming with dolphins can be one of the most exhilarating experiences anyone can have. It puts you in direct contact with an amazing animal and allows you to learn about them in a safe and fun environment. Dolphinaris offers different dolphin swim programs so you can choose which one would be the most enjoyable for you.

Among all of these programs, one in particular stands out as probably the most thrilling in terms of adrenaline rush. The Swim Speed Ride is the perfect program for adrenaline junkies who are looking for a new way to get their fix.

The Swim Speed Ride program is one of the best ways to get up and close with dolphins and forge a true friendship with them. Just like in the other dolphin swim programs, you will be able to interact with these intelligent animals in different ways, such as shaking their fins, kissing, and more. Your interaction time will take place in both shallow and deep waters, so the experience will be even more thrilling.

Like the other dolphin swim programs that Dolphinaris has to offer, this particular program starts off with a briefing by a professional trainer who will teach you about dolphins and the different ways you can interact with them. Then you will be able to choose from three different activities: the “foot push”, “belly ride”, and “boogie push.” The “foot push” activity consists of a fun and electrifying ride where the dolphin propels you forward by your feet. “Belly ride” is a more intimate activity where you hug the dolphin’s belly and hold on to its fins as it swims around. Finally, the “boogie push” activity is similar to the “foot push”, except this time you are holding a boogie board and can go even faster than ever.

Another excellent program to check out is the Triple Adventure program. This is a great choice for those of you who are a bit indecisive or just want to get the most for your money. The Triple Adventure program lets you have fun in the water with playful dolphins three different ways, but you only pay for one program.

Choose to spend an entire morning or afternoon interacting with dolphins in a variety of ways. You will learn about dolphins and their behavior as well as be able to kiss, pet, greet, and play with them. After that, you can choose from three of five activities, including “foot push”, “belly ride”, “boogie push”, snorkeling, or just interact with these beautiful and friendly creatures.

This is the perfect program for dolphin fanatics who want to spend as much time as possible interacting with their favorite animals. The option of a morning or afternoon program makes it easier to plan the rest of your day and gives you options that you might not have with other programs. Lastly, the price is definitely right for the Triple Adventure Program, where you pay the same amount as you would for a different program but get three times more interaction time and fun.

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