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The Best Dolphin Swim in Cancun


The Best Dolphin Swim in Cancun.

Millions of people, all over the world, travel to Cancun every year. Most, come to Cancun for its warm weather, soft-sanded beaches, and sparkling blue seas. However, upon arrival, they realize Cancun is much more than just a beach. It is a world of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. The type of opportunities that must be taken advantage of when given the chance. Most people in life, regret not what they have done, but what they haven’t.

Here’s your chance to not be that person. Here’s your chance to do something that you, and well, practically everyone has always wanted to do. I’m talking about a dolphin swim in Cancun! I can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t take the opportunity of having a magical encounter with a dolphin if ever presented. Well, consider this an invitation, from Cancun’s Dolphinaris to you, to fulfill a lifelong dream of swimming with dolphins.

Why swim with dolphins in Dolphinaris in Cancun?

Allow us to give you 4 rock solid reasons why swimming with dolphins in Cancun should be at the top of your vacation’s to do list.

1. The Best Bang for Your Buck in Cancun

Dolphinaris in Cancun offers a variety of different dolphin swim programs, depending on how you want to interact with the dolphins. Each program provides excellent bang for your buck value. Every dolphin swim program includes a brief course on dolphin behavior and physiology, personal time to interact with the dolphins, and a friendly ‘fin-shake’ or peck on the cheek.

Swimming with dolphins is something the whole family can enjoy. How often is it, that you can recommend something to your family, and everyone—from your young one to your teenager—become instantly excited?

2. Cancun’s Dolphinaris Cares

Cancun’s Dolphinaris cares deeply about its beloved aquatic mammals. Dolphinaris doesn’t just say that as lip service. It shows it cares for its cherished dolphins by engaging in educational programs with universities like Texas A&M University. Together, they are providing veterinarians with hands-on experience with dolphins.

Dolphinaris shows it cares for its precious dolphins by investing in research programs that seek to better understand dolphin’s respiratory systems. The fruit of this research will hopefully provide for earlier detection of diseases in dolphins.

Dolphinaris displays its earnest care for its lovely dolphins by sponsoring a conservation program in tandem with Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. In tandem, they are safely collecting samples from wild populations of bottlenose dolphins in order to perform a health assessment.

By now you can see Dolphinaris’ commitment to the care of dolphins is both sincere and robust. It is this genuine commitment to the welfare of dolphins that has earned Dolphinaris a certification from the European Association for Aquatic Mammals (EAAM), a global third party organization. Dolphinaris is the only dolphinarium in Mexico to attain an EAAM certification.

3. Social Media Envy

Ever make a post on Facebook that only gets a few Likes, when you were expecting much more? Perhaps it flashed through everyone’s timelines, and you got ZERO Likes? Well, we have a foolproof formula to blow up your Facebook with a ton of Likes: you + dolphin + picture.

Are you a business person? How about you receiving a dolphin ‘fin-shake’? Wanna make your boyfriend jealous? Try something more intimate, like getting a kiss on the cheek by a dolphin. Maybe you want to show off to your adventurous friends? Try something more extreme like soaring through the water at an incredible speed with a two-dolphin foot push.

Either way, your friends will surely be Liking, Commenting and Sharing all of your dolphin swim pictures.

4. Because… YOLO, right?

Let’s be honest. Swimming with dolphins in Cancun isn’t exactly an opportunity that presents itself all the time. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it. If not, you may be regretting it forever. Instead of a lifetime of remorse, give yourself a lifetime of spectacular memories! Remember, you only live once!

By now we’ve shown you why Cancun’s Dolphinaris provides you with an excellent bang-for-your-buck value. We’ve given you a surefire way to inundate your Facebook with Likes from your friends. We’ve reminded you of the importance of carpe diem. Where can all of this take place? The truly ethical, and morally principled, Dolphinaris in Cancun.

Don’t regret this forever! Book right now! A lifetime of memories awaits you…